Catherine "Cat" Seda

Sunday, July 01, 2007

3 Tips to Boost Traffic to Your Blog

Every month in my Internet marketing newsletter, I answer a reader's question. Whoops! I forgot to post my June Q&A. Here it is:


I ended up going with a TypePad account for my new blog instead of a Blogger account. I have looked into several options for getting the word out about it, but there are so many different ways to do it. How can I establish a solid base to build upon?

~ Will Radcliffe,


I hear you loud and clear, Will. You don’t want 101 tips right now. Here are three quick (and powerful) tips to boost traffic to your blog:

1) E-mail your community of prospects, customers and fans. But don’t just tell them you have a blog. Post something delicious on your blog, then use e-mail to send them a “teaser” to check it out.

2) After browsing BizzFlip, and reading that it’s fairly new, send out a few press releases. Choose a newswire service that’ll let you link keywords from within the press release copy to your blog. That’s a quick way to get a little “link love” (good for search engine optimization)…from the original press release and all of the sites/blogs that’ll publish it for free.

3) MOST IMPORTANTLY, blog. Surf the blogosphere using a blog engine like or to find blogs that are similar to BizzFlip. DO NOT ADVERTISE. Instead, share a tip, tool or comment. By posting a comment, you’ll get a link to your blog which invites bloggers to visit it.

Thanks, Will. A lot of people have asked me about this lately, so your question is timely for many of my readers. Good luck, bloggers. Go forth and blog!


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