Ego Surfing in the Blogosphere
You’ve looked up your personal or company name in a search engine, right? Commonly referred to as “ego surfing”, this is actually a good thing. You should monitor what’s being said about you. It’s rewarding to see fans raving about your business. And it can be horrifying to see unhappy customers burning your brand all over the blogosphere.
But before you can respond appropriately to good or bad publicity, you’ve got to know where to look.
That’s why you should go straight to the source. Use blog engines such as Technorati or IceRocket to surf only the blogosphere. Routinely monitor this space…because bloggers are always blogging.
But before you can respond appropriately to good or bad publicity, you’ve got to know where to look.
That’s why you should go straight to the source. Use blog engines such as Technorati or IceRocket to surf only the blogosphere. Routinely monitor this space…because bloggers are always blogging.
I think it was P.T. Barnum who said there is no such thing as bad publicity. I'll take any publicity and see what I can do with it. Still, it is good to know what is being said out there about your company.
By the way, I enjoy your book, Search Engine Advertising, your newsletters, and blog (although I wish it were updated more frequently with your useful content).
Andrew Norton
Blue Streak Ink
Anonymous, at 5:52 AM
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Goal Guru, at 6:05 AM
Thanks Andrew! In between writing my second book, e-zine, magazine articles (and I'll soon update Search Engine Advertising), my blog has not gotten my full attention as a writer. "To blog more often" is on my "To Do" list too. :-)
Cat Seda, at 9:21 AM
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Michael, at 2:31 PM
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Goal Guru, at 3:12 PM
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