Freelance Writer Needs a Break
It’s true...I’m retiring.
Well, sort of. I need a break from writing. I’ve had “writer’s burnout” since I finished my second book How to Win Sales & Influence Spiders (which has already helped thousands of readers—YAY).
It’s also time for me to create better work/life balance. I want my weekends back! If you’re a hard-working entrepreneur, you can probably relate. That said, with a full consulting schedule and a little wiggle room to speak at conferences, I’m cutting back on writing to reclaim my weekends. Ahhh…
I’ll write just one more Q&A newsletter/blog post after this (you can visit to read my “Net Sales” column through December. Yup, I’m even taking a break from my Entrepreneur column—I’ve enjoyed five fabulous years with the magazine).
Can I ask you for a favor?
Have my articles, books or newsletter been helpful? If so, could you share a comment on my blog? I’d love to hear from you! It really makes my day to know my tips are helping my fellow entrepreneurs.
P.S. Want my 3 favorite money-saving tips for pay-per-click? Visit my blog to watch my 5-minute video interview with Dr. Ralph Wilson. Don’t miss it. :-)
To Your Online Success!
Catherine (“Cat”) Seda
12-Year Internet & Search Marketing Strategist
Entrepreneur Columnist
Well, sort of. I need a break from writing. I’ve had “writer’s burnout” since I finished my second book How to Win Sales & Influence Spiders (which has already helped thousands of readers—YAY).
It’s also time for me to create better work/life balance. I want my weekends back! If you’re a hard-working entrepreneur, you can probably relate. That said, with a full consulting schedule and a little wiggle room to speak at conferences, I’m cutting back on writing to reclaim my weekends. Ahhh…
I’ll write just one more Q&A newsletter/blog post after this (you can visit to read my “Net Sales” column through December. Yup, I’m even taking a break from my Entrepreneur column—I’ve enjoyed five fabulous years with the magazine).
Can I ask you for a favor?
Have my articles, books or newsletter been helpful? If so, could you share a comment on my blog? I’d love to hear from you! It really makes my day to know my tips are helping my fellow entrepreneurs.
P.S. Want my 3 favorite money-saving tips for pay-per-click? Visit my blog to watch my 5-minute video interview with Dr. Ralph Wilson. Don’t miss it. :-)
To Your Online Success!
Catherine (“Cat”) Seda
12-Year Internet & Search Marketing Strategist
Entrepreneur Columnist
Hi Catherine,
Good for you wanting to take a break, hopefully you will be back at some point, right?
I do love reading your newsletter and I have just finished your book How to win sales and influence spiders. I have learned so much that sometimes my head is spinning from all this tinformation. You have made things easy to understand and give great examples. I referr to your book often and will continue to as I start my small business on ebay (haven't quite made the leap yet to opening a store but hope to soon).
Thanks so much and enjoy you new found time.
All the best,
Tina Lanciault
Anonymous, at 4:28 PM
Hello Catherine,
I just wanted to thank you for sharing those tips through all this time. It's been really helpful and I'll definitely be on the lookout for any posts, articles, books, conferences, etc. from you in the future.
Enjoy your weekends again!
Erick Nassar
Anonymous, at 4:43 PM
It is a shame to hear that you are taking a break.
But if anyone deserves it, it is you.
I hope you come back soon, revitalized.
We have all learned a ton from your contributions to the SEM community.
Thank you,
Barry Schwartz
Unknown, at 4:52 PM
I understand your wanting to take a break, but don't make it too long! You have been of enormous help to me and I will miss the newsletter.
Unknown, at 5:33 PM
Hi Cat,
Thanks for the great books. Your tips on Pay-per-click advertising has helped us so much. You made a hard topic simple and easy to understand. Thanks again!!!
Michael K. Jones, PhD, PT
DrMike, at 5:40 PM
Before reading you book “How to win Sales & Influence Spiders” I had all but signed a contract with an SEO company @ $2500 per month with a min. 6 months agreement. I was at a local book store scanning the July issue of Entrepreneur; when I saw an ad for your book. I went to the shelf and purchased it that very night. Over the next week I read the entire book twice.
Though I felt that the SEO Company I had selected was more than competent to handle the search engine optimization for my new site; they were not planning to do a third of what you discussed in the book. Needless to say; I am doing my own search engine optimization now. Thanks for your book. It has saved me about $15,000 and best of all time. A bit of advice; charge more for your next book…
Also, When ask by the SEO Company why I was not following through on the contract. I just sent them a copy of your book. I haven’t heard from them since.
Chad Hill
Augusta, GA
Chad Hill, at 6:29 PM
Hi Cat...
It has been over 6 years since we were in Toastmasters of the Cove; even then it was evident that you were destine for greater successes...
I believe in the maxim “If you work hard good things happen” and this truly epitomizes what I’ve come to know of you and your work ethic...
I’ve enjoy reading and recommending both of your books; they have also been very helpful to me...
I also know everybody needs to take a break at times... Much like a muscle that rests after exertion becomes stronger, so does the mind...
Have you thought about trying improv comedy..?
Michael Grewe
Unknown, at 6:39 PM
What can I say?
As an entrepreneur, I can totally understand, even though I have only been "at it" for much less less than you, but these 80-90 hours-a-week weeks do get to you...
As a follower of your articles, I am sorry to see you take off for a bit.
I can only hope this will truly be an "hasta luego" and not an "adios", so we will get to see a reinvigorated Cat come back replenished with new energies and ideas, early next year or whenever you are ready for us.
Thanks for all you've done for all of us, individually and collectively!
manny hernandez, at 7:40 PM
Catherine, while I applaud you on taking some time for yourself, I can't help but feel like a lot of us will be missing out on some valuable information in the future. I read your column every month, as well as your newsletter. I'm now reading How to Win Sales and Influence Spiders. And I've already preordered your second edition of Search Engine Advertising. As someone who is new to the business, you've helped me to develop my career.
Scott Salwolke, at 9:04 PM
As someone new to the SEO field, I've learned a lot from your magazine articles, your newsletters, and your books. I applaud you on your decision to take a break, but a lot of us will be losing out on your valuable insights. I hope you continue to pass on your wisdom at some point in the future.
Scott Salwolke, at 9:07 PM
Hi Cat! I knew you were a smart woman! Good on you for taking time to set your sails for an even more fulfilling destiny! Maybe you can come back and tell us how this balancing thing is done. Thank you for all the information, it's been invaluable in branching out my Hep Cat mail order catalog to the wild wild web with! I know I will soon have "meowy" news on how all your advice has sky-rocketed sales! Have fun, and remember to Purr with Passion!
Anna Grupke
AnnaMeow, at 6:17 AM
I suggest an Adirondack chair, and a nice tall glass of ice tea :)
Sherwood, at 7:15 AM
I've been reading you for years, and appreciate your contribution to the community. Hope to see you again!
Unknown, at 7:15 AM
we all need some time to ourselves.... we are not robots
AussieWebmaster, at 8:05 AM
You were the Sunshine on our SEO and PPC horizon, Cat. We've employed your tips many times. When our client needed help, you were there, doing the analysis thoughtfully and the work strategically. Your ezine always inspires us to greater things. We will miss you, but we know you deserve those weekends! Enjoy! Peggi and Earl, Wordpix Solutions
Anonymous, at 10:46 AM
Say it ain't so, Cat Seda! You will be missed.
Michael Mattis
M2, at 11:13 AM
Thank you all so much for your support! I really, really, really appreciate hearing from you.
Besides creating balance in my life, I need to cut back on teaching so I can do more learning right now. I've got a few exciting projects on my plate. :-)
Stay tuned for my final newsletter/blog post. I'll be putting together a list of my favorite Internet marketing resources for you.
Cat Seda, at 9:12 PM
Yay for balance! search is one of few careers cool enough to knock someone out of balance. Congrats on the ability to retire early and love what you do enough to do it so much.
Anonymous, at 7:40 PM
Hi Catherine,
I am sure that we all will miss you during your sabbatical, Bill Cowie and the rest of the team here in Florida have found your advice and books as well as your blog posts most useful for SEO amongst other things.
Good Luck! Look forward to hearing from you soon.
The British Homes Group Team
Anonymous, at 11:31 AM
I don't even know you personally, but I can tell how greatly you've influenced and helped others. It seems the general consensus is that you will be sorely missed.
I happened to meander here, and am very glad I did. Thank you for your generous advice.
I hope you enjoy your well-deserved break.
Anonymous, at 2:59 PM
Just so you know..
I am a beginner breaking into the SEO/SMM world and picked up your book , Search Engine Advertising, last week @ B&N. I'm halfway through the book and it is already helping me organize all of my ideas and plans for my clients.
I am also learning so much! I actually had a thought as I was reading the book this morning on the subway: "Wouldn't it be great if she (you) wrote a book about the Social Media Marketing Revolution?"
Maybe I am behind, and maybe you have. But I just wanted to let you know that your work has definitely helped a lot.
Stephanie Weingart
Frozen2late, at 8:55 AM
Just finished your latest book, "How to Win Sales & Influence Spiders," and I'll quote you what I just emailed a colleague in recommending it to her - "Seda's book is one of the best, most comprehensive instructional overviews of its kind."
I read one book a week on the topic (outside of my normal car stuff), so I think I have some basis with which to evaluate it. Let me know when you write the next one, I'll be one of the first to pick it up.
Thanks much,
John Possumato
John Possumato, at 11:27 AM
Thanks Catherine for these great money saving tips.
Also, I thoroughly enjoyed "How to Win Sales & Influence Spiders." It has a wealth of great information.
Nadir Hussain
Anonymous, at 9:52 AM
You are a wonderful writer and will be sadly missed. Come back soon Cat! If any of your readers want to check out my blog on entrepreneur success they can go to My blog provides entrepreneurs with basic tools to find the right people, make and market a great product, budget finances, and successfully communicate with employees, clients and partners.
Unknown, at 9:17 PM
You are a wonderful writer and will be sadly missed. Come back soon Cat! If any of your readers want to check out my blog on entrepreneur success they can go to My blog provides entrepreneurs with basic tools to find the right people, make and market a great product, budget finances, and successfully communicate with employees, clients and partners.
Unknown, at 9:17 PM
Cat, you will be missed (at least for a while). Blogging takes up so much time huh? I have my own blog on Entprepreneur Success It took me a while to get going because I know I needed to be completely dedicated to posting, like working out for showing up for work. Have fun on your break!
Unknown, at 9:51 PM
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