Dove Evolution Video and Mashups
Online video is powerful.
Have you seen the “Dove Evolution” video yet? If you haven’t, check out the 60-second clip here:
This video has been viewed by over a million people on the web! And not only are people talking about it on social sites like YouTube, creative consumers have created mashup parodies of the video. By lifting elements of Dove’s video, consumers have produced the evolution of a pumpkin, slob or zombie. To watch these, go to YouTube and type “Dove Evolution” in the search field.
What do you think of the Dove Evolution video? How do you feel about consumers mashing up a company’s content? What’s your favorite video (published by a company, not a consumer), and why do you believe it is effective marketing?
Have you seen the “Dove Evolution” video yet? If you haven’t, check out the 60-second clip here:
This video has been viewed by over a million people on the web! And not only are people talking about it on social sites like YouTube, creative consumers have created mashup parodies of the video. By lifting elements of Dove’s video, consumers have produced the evolution of a pumpkin, slob or zombie. To watch these, go to YouTube and type “Dove Evolution” in the search field.
What do you think of the Dove Evolution video? How do you feel about consumers mashing up a company’s content? What’s your favorite video (published by a company, not a consumer), and why do you believe it is effective marketing?
Dove Evolution - A step in the right direction. This video is good but not revolutionary; there have been T.V. shows, articles and documentaries about what it takes to make a model have the "look." Perhaps the saddest thing I ever saw was when a major magazine airbrushed out the smile lines of an 18 year-old model. At 18, what lines need to be removed?
How about the age issue? Our society worships women under age 30. As a woman approaching 40, I feel myself becoming invisible. Society should address this - women of all ages are beautiful, and women over 30 have much to offer the world.
If people focused on who they are and what they really wanted from life as much as they focus on losing weight, getting plastic surgery and so forth, the world would be a better place.
Just one woman's opinion.
Lisa -"Small Biz Stress Buster"
Lisa Rickwood, at 5:51 PM
True, Lisa. The topic itself isn't new. However, I think it's great that a company that sells us beauty products is willing to rethink its marketing strategy and at the same time encourage everyone to rethink our perception of beauty. And the fact Dove is leveraging social networking sites to share their message is pretty powerful. Like you wrote in your post title, it's "a step in the right direction." Thank you for sharing!
Cat Seda, at 10:39 AM
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