Catherine "Cat" Seda

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Eye Tracking: What Customers Don’t See

Don’t you want to know which words, and which images, your visitors aren't seeing? It could be your strongest feature. Or, your best testimonial. It could even be your “order now” button. Yikes! Perhaps your visitors saw a word or image, then decided to leave. Don’t you want to know what caused this?

In my November Internet marketing newsletter, I discuss how eye tracking tools and services show you what your web site (and blog) visitors AREN’T seeing.

* If you’ve used an eye tracking tool or service, what did it reveal?

* When has a site lost your business? Too much clutter? A lack of credibility?


Yahoo! Panama Podcast

Want to know what industry insiders think of Yahoo!'s Panama?

As I mentioned in an earlier post, several key bloggers and search engine marketers got a sneak preview of Panama at Yahoo!'s office. Andrew Goodman, Barry Schwartz, Jennifer Slegg, Andy Beal, Greg Sterling, Mona Elesseily and I had a great time testing out the new tools and finding a few bugs.

After the meeting, Andrew organized a call so we could chat about the new platform -- what we liked and didn't like. Want to know what we said? Listen in to Yahoo Panama Launch Roundtable podcast.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Ads Only Arbitrage

This is for search engine users, not marketers.

If you click a pay-per-click ad, and land on a page full of only ads, is this good or bad experience? Why? What do you think the search engines should do (if anything)?